Yamaha Silent Violin Review SV

A Complete Test of Yamaha Silent Violins: the SV-100 Series and YSV104

It is the violin where it all started: the Yamaha Silent Violin SV-100. I was there at Lavillette Music Show in Paris back in 1997 when it launched and bought it straight away. So it is the first iteration of this great SV series (SV stands for Silent Violin, of course).Later, Yamaha enhanced and improved…

Baby sleeping while I play the violin

Are Electric Violins Quiet, or perhaps even Silent? (With a dB Chart)

As lovely as the violin sounds, its volume has been the detriment to many players’ confidence, and even consideration, of picking the instrument up for a long time. It’s no wonder that electric violins have become so popular over the years considering that fact. Still, can an electric violin completely eradicate that problem? Electric violins…

NS DESIGN WAV electric violin

Are Electric Violins Expensive? You Will Be Surprised

Violins are known to be magical instruments with prices reaching every year new heights. But it is a completely different story with electric violins. Have electric violins commoditized the price of those instruments? By being build in factories and in mass production, they certainly have. The revolution that happened with the guitar (Fender Stratocaster for…